
Saturday, May 30, 2009

My Trip to London

Days 1-3

I was greeted at Heathrow airport by my high school friend Kathy and the adventure began! She made me feel VERY welcome with Welcome Joan written on this 'chalk' rooster and on their frig. Such a warm welcome!

Kathy pulled this quilt out of the closet - I made it for her son, Alex, 17 years ago! Day 1 was spent getting reacquainted with Kathy, meeting her husband, Ron and her son, Alex.

Day 2

With a Spring party coming up the next day, Kathy and I were off to the nursery for plants to add some color to their window boxes. Getting to the nursery turned out to be quite an adventure on a rainy day. After spending some time in London, I have to admit I'm spoiled with convenience back in the states. We had to walk and walk to get to the nursery in Chelsea and then we had to haul all the plants back to their home - via the bus and walking. We planted the flower boxes and they turned out wonderful!

Day 3

Day 3 was celebrating Spring with a party - I was quite honored being among 30 dignitaries from all over the world - some had even been knighted...we weren't allowed to say the R word since the plan was to have the party outdoors. It turned out to be a perfect day - no R and the weather was warmish.

We found these cute flower pinwheels to dress up the deck. There are no craft stores in London, so we were fortunate to find these.

Here we are later in the party after a few Pimms!!! I was surprised to found out that one of the ladies is moving back home - she happens to live 20 minutes from me!!! New friend? I hope so...

Kathy, her son Alex, me and Kathy's husband Ron.

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