
Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Another Day in Paradise

Today is one packed day! Exercise class this morning will hold a celebration for my 'adopted' mother, Gladys. She'll be 92!!! I hear a cake hat is in order for the festivities.

I'm looking forward to a phone call from Ann McDermott of COPE - the Center for Obesity Prevention and Education at Cal Poly. We have the big Hands on Health Symposium coming up in October and a friend and I will be doing the Passport - that's the paper people will carry around the symposium to document their vital info. I did a preliminary layout a few months ago but now we're getting down to details.

Then, it's off to San Luis Obispo to get my oil changed and have the alignment checked on my car. After spending huge bucks yesterday on new tires, they say I need it checked. All of this in preparation for my big road trip to WASHINGTON!!! Call it my Bucket List or my Passion List, I have wanted to go to the Museum of Glass in Washington for quite a long time. Well, the time has come - my sister-in-law has a favorite aunt up there, so five of us are climbing into my car (yes, it'll be a tight squeeze) and heading north. I'm linking up with Scott Wilkinson's mom who's a docent at the museum. Check out the beautiful glass. I'm taking my good camera so be on the lookout late next week for the photos.

I stopped by my local Michaels store to pick up some beads to make my sister-in-laws aunt a necklace. I stumbled across great travel items for my nephews - all kinds of games and things to do.

Meanwhile, I need to call the Freight Room aka train depot to see if it would work for our class reunion.

Upward, onward and on to who knows what...


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