
Sunday, February 21, 2010

My Meanderings the Last Month

My Randomness...

Let's see, where do I begin to bring you up-to-date on the last month or so?'s a rainy, beautiful day here on the Central Coast of California - a day perfect for a little reading, a little cleaning and catching up.
Photography Group
I started a photography group in my newcomers club and we're twelve members strong (so far!). We have some members with sophisticated equipment, some with point and shoot cameras and two who want to use film! We had our first field trip on Friday and the rainy weather brought out some interesting challenges but made for some wonderful shots. Now, to select three of my best and have them printed for the critique at the next meeting. We're meeting twice a month, once in the early morning and the other in late afternoon to take advantage of different lighting.

I wasn't about to get down in the mud to take a shot of this little guy so I was impressed that it was even in focus.

The moss was incredible at the Los Osos Oaks Preserve. The photo doesn't do it justice!

Class Reunion
My class reunion is really shaping up! From decorations (I haven't quite wrapped myself around the couple of ideas I've come up with) to finding contact information for our long-lost classmates (I talked to my high school Principal's wife yesterday), working with my friend Kathy, in London, to get the website up and going (it's been fun chatting with her on a frequent basis and she's done an amazing job!!!) to finalizing the invitations - we're working hard to get as many people there and to have an amazing time! My brother is going to help me with the decorations - we'll see if rebar comes into play! Stay tuned for all that! Kathy put a ticker on the website so everytime I go there, I see how close it's getting.

A Couple of First
I've experienced a couple of first recently. First a manicure...yes, I know, how could I have gone this long without a professional manicure? This one was purely by surprise - I got together with a couple of old Aleene's co-workers and one of them is a professional hair and nail person and she surprised us with manicures. It wasn't just a manicure it was done with a new kind of poly and that stuff isn't about to come off! Our friend, Jean, hosted a wonderful lunch using a recipe she learned in high school - loved it Jean! My next first came on the same day when I was at a friend's home for dinner and we had brussel sprouts!!! My mom was never one to force us to eat something we didn't want or we had to do the 'no thank you helping'. So, brussel sprouts had never crossed my lips until that night and I must say, if I never had them again I wouldn't be disappointed.

Heidi Borchers
I loved working with Heidi way, way back during our Aleene's Days. I have visited her at her home when she lived in Cambria and I discovered about a year ago that she lived only 15 minutes from me. We talked about getting together but we just never did until a couple of weeks ago when she suggested we meet at my favorite restaurant for fish tacos. It was a delightful time - catching up and talking about the new. We're getting together again this Friday at her house - I can't wait. She always has something fun going on and her perky projects inspire me.

A Blimp
I was heading into exercise class last week and looked up to see a blimp off the coast - what an unusual sight. I bet they had an awesome view up there!!!

I rushed to get my garden in before the rains a couple of days ago. I peeked out yesterday between storms to see that the plants were happily surviving. Speaking of gardening, I'm very excited to be chatting with Dr. Earth, Milo Shammus, this week. More details on that as they unfold.

Newcomers Dinner
Since the weather has been very wet the last couple of weeks (with some wonderful exceptions) I've had a chance to be indoors more and plan some upcoming activities. Next month is my turn to cook dinner for seven friends. Last year I did a whole Spring theme with flowers and a strawberry topiary. This year I'm going totally opposite and doing a kind of Texas BBQ theme including black and white bandannas as a tablerunner. I have a great recipe for bbq ribs so that's a given and I ran across a recipe for Texas Caviar made with black eyed peas. I'm thinking daisies and I already bought the raffia for the napkin 'rings'.

I'm been doing a ton of walking on the beach and with all the storms I've been finding great seaglass. Ahhh...I love living at the ocean! Now, to craft with them.

Shell Beach

I had a meeting down at Shell Beach this week and arrived in town a little early so I explored a place I've never taken the time to explore. The weather was in the 70's and the area was just beautiful!
I think that's it...I know I'm missing some incredible situations, but can't think of them at the moment.

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