
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Ankle Saga

Today was an interesting was day four of therapy on my ankle and I can say I have now done many things I have never done before.  Today was walking on the treadmill in a harness - they wanted to take pressure off my ankle so I was strapped in to a harness in so many ways.  I've done a couple of intense ziplines and those harnesses were nothing like this harness.  They took 25 pounds 'off of me' and while I was walking I didn't feel it, but when they took the harness off I felt EVERY 25 of those pounds.  After that, I was 'taped up' to see if it would stabilize my ankle - never done that before either. Then they sent me on a search for a lace-up ankle brace and three places later I finally found one. After all that torture I didn't even get a foot massage (I did get iced which feels awesome).

Therapy is done for this week but I have a huge test this weekend when I have a big social event where I'll be walking and standing for hours.  I scheduled therapy for Monday morning...maybe I'll get a foot massage if I've been good. 

Be sure to take care of yourself and watch it when you're going down stairs!

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