
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ready for an Emergency

It'll NEVER Happen to ME...
Life is going along just fine and then one day IT happens.  THE UNEXPECTED!!!

It wasn't a normal Saturday - I had been invited to attend a Canon camera seminar in a nearby town by a friend who had recently bought a new camera and invited me along.  I was excited - I was finally going to take a formal class on photography and learn a little something about cameras.  My friend got lost and was 1/2 hour late, so I couldn't go into the seminar (I later suggested she get a GPS for her car!).  The seminar was informative, our lunch wonderful and I left early to buy a hostess gift for the dinner I was attending that night.  I was getting dressed and started to not feel 'right'.  I called a friend whose son happens to be a doctor and her daughter has a master's in nursing (it is soooo nice to have a friend like that!).  She told me to unlock the door and go lay on the bed.  I don't remember the next seven hours.  I hear there were ten fire and policemen in my home, I had a $2,400 ambulance ride (I would have liked to have remembered that!) and don't remember spending several hours in the ER.  I do remember being placed in a hospital bed and appearing at three of my very concerned friends at the end of my bed.  After many days in the hospital and tons of tests they think I had a seizure.  
Thinking about my future health and my poor friends and emergency personal who didn't have a clue about the meds I took, I decided to 'post' all the medical info in a conspicuous place in my house but didn't want it to 'stand out like a sore thumb'!  I typed up my emergency contact info and all my meds, put them in a clear pouch, cut a piece of scrapbook paper to make it fit my decor and printed Medical Info on some plain paper. I put it near where I keep my purse and keys. Don't forget to put the info in your car (I put mine in a zip-top plastic bag) and I also did one to carry in my purse and I take it when I walk.

You just never know...and it's always better to be prepared - I don't know about you, but I have TONS more things I want to do with my life and hopefully I will never need emergency services again but at least I have gathered all the info needed if the need arises.

Take few moments right now to protect yourselves and your loved one... it could be a matter of life or death!!!

Take care,

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