
Friday, September 30, 2011

Transform a Birdbath into a Succulent Garden

Birdbath gone bye-bye...hello new succulent garden!

I bought this birdbath a couple of years ago and had high hopes of listening to gently flowing water and jubilant birds!  (it had a solar powered water feature in the center)  Some days (lately quite a few days we don't see the sun) so I became a little disappointed in the water feature and no birds...the weather took its toll on the poor thing and it just sat in my un-loved backyard for quite a while.  Transformation time!

See the other treasures in the background I have to decorate my backyard? 
 The birdbath was made of resin or some kind of 'soft' material (read that as not concrete) so holes were drilled into the base for drainage.
Standing at the ready...I placed some rocks in the base then added some cactus / succulent 'potting mix' available at a garden store (or you can mix 50% regular potting soil with 50% perlite / sand).
I can't wait for it to fill in a little bit.  I'm looking in my stash for just the right miniature to add interest.  Meanwhile I added some rocks that I found in my front yard.

A friend gave me all the succulents.  I can't wait for them to grow so I can share cuttings with others.

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