
Friday, November 02, 2012

Fused Glass Poppy

I thought making this piece was going to be simple but the perfectionist in me didn't quite see it that way.  I started with two large circles of glass - one clear and one swirly.  They were fused in a kiln then I chopped away at the edges to give them curves.  I added frit (tiny pieces of chopped up glass) along the edges, added tiny dots cut from canes of glass and bent some stringers (thin, thin glass rods) for the middle.  I thought I was going to make this into a birdfeeder but it's just too pretty so now it's going to find its home on my coffee table.  This was our last week of open workshop but I managed to get two projects done so I get to anticipate for a whole week what they'll look like when they're taken out of the kiln.  The circles were cut from a 12" piece of glass so the bowl is larger than it looks and it's dimensional too!

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