
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

How to Make a Birdfeeder from an Old Record

Paradise for Rockin’ Robins
Use old scratched records for this tweet birdfeeder

Design by Joan Martin Fee


Gloves, cotton
Pot holders
2 Records
Drinking glass
Glass pie plate
Chain, small links
S hook
Bird seed
Needle nose pliers
Wire cutters


1. Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Place glass upside down in oven. Place record over glass form. Heat for 3-5 minutes. Ovens vary, so keep an eye on it. Wearing cotton gloves and using hot pads, remove record from oven when it is pliable and let record cool on glass. 
2. Place pie plate in oven, right side up. Place second record in pie plate and when pliable, push into pie plate with gloved hands.  Remove from oven. Let cool.
3. Punch three evenly spaced holes along edge of large record bowl, using Crop-a-Dile. Punch six evenly spaced holes along edge of small record bowl.
4. Cut 3 pieces of chain 12” long and 3 pieces 8” long. Open link on one end of 12” length chain using needle nose pliers and insert in hole in large record bowl. Repeat with other two 12” lengths in remaining openings.
5. Open opposite ends of chain and insert in every other hole of small bowl.
6. Insert 8” lengths of chain in small bowl.
7. Combine loose ends of 8” lengths together and use S hook to hold together.
8. Add bird seed and send out the invitation.

For more great ideas on how to use old, scratched records, check out Cheryl Ball and my e-book Get Those Old Records Off the Shelf at

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