
Sunday, March 16, 2014

National Craft Month - Photo Candle Holder

March is National Craft Month

How are you getting your craft on today?  How about trying something new?  The rush is super for your overall health not to mention fun!  Here's a project that you can do right now that won't break the bank!
Photo Memory Candle Holder

By Joan Martin Fee

Don’t keep your photos on your computer, create lovely displays to share their beauty with inexpensive candle holders.  Use photos from vacations, headshots of family members for reunions or wedding favors, or images of nature look amazing too!

What You’ll Need
Computer and printer
Paper, regular or vellum
Photo of your choice
Craft knife with new blade
Cutting board
Glass candle holder, 3” high, circumference 11” (you can use any size candle holder just test fit the paper around it)
Tape or white glue
Battery operated votive candle
Ruler – optional

How to Make It
  1. Print picture so it covers 3” x 11” on the paper.  You may need to repeat the photo or enlarge or decrease it in size. 
  2. Place image on cutting board, right side up.  Cut out details with craft knife.  If desired, use ruler as a straight edge to cut against. Remove cut out sections from image. 
  3. Cut image to fit around candle holder, overlapping ends slightly.  Tape or tack at ends with glue.
  4. Place candle inside, turn on and enjoy the memories!

Joan Martin Fee has been involved in the craft industry for a zillion years!  From designer to editor to teacher to television personality, she’s done it all.  She’s taking all that experience and her creativity and teaching workshops and holding creative retreats on the beautiful Central Coast of California.  Check out more of her designs at and her retreats and workshops at

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