
Monday, September 22, 2008

Class Reunion

Amazing Weekend

It is soooo hard to leave paradise, but I had to do it this weekend. My high school class gets together once a year and this weekend was it - can it possibly be another year has passed?

Friday night a bunch of us gathered at our old high school for the football game. One of our classmates showed up who we hadn't seen since graduation. I won't say how many years that's been, but it's quite a few! Of course we didn't watch the football game, we chatted away the evening catching up on grandkids and kids and gossip.
My brother and family have a travel trailer, so they let me 'rent' it on weekends when I'm there - that way I don't inconvenience my parents or my brother's family. When I got back from the game, my brother came out to talk to me and we stayed up until 1:00 a.m. solving the problems of the world. He's coming over in a couple of weeks to help me redo my front yard - yipppeeee!!! I can't wait! It's going to involve a retaining wall and lots of paver bricks.

I was fortunate to get a last minute appointment on Saturday in Fresno with my hair guy, Ben. It's tough in a new town not knowing who to go to. It was fun catching up with Ben - seems as though everyone I know goes to him, so it's like old home week when I see him.

Saturday night was time to assemble the ol' class again. I had the most delightful people to talk to at dinner - she is a classmate of mine and she and her husband tour the world doing exciting things - they're off next month to some exciting place I'd never heard of to scuba dive. Carol was driving a Can Am - I'd never heard of them, but it's pretty cool - ladies, there's even a trunk so you can go shopping!!! They were off the next day to my new town for lunch.

After dinner we went to a local restaurant and took over the back patio to chat and listen to one of our classmates play guitar and sing. For four hours we just sat, enjoyed the music and company of friends. I had the worst headache late that night, crawled into bed around 1:30 with my head still pounding. I woke up early the next morning so sick. I laid around and when I finally felt better, my mom called me over to their house for a photo op (she and my dad live two doors away from my brother and family). One of the photos is at the top of the page - it's part of their old barn. My mom had to stage it - I just like to take photos of things how they are without altering them, but she was so excited about it, I couldn't stop her.

It's nice to be back home again, but it got my behind in gear today to get going on some projects - all of a sudden I have everyone from my class coming to 'paradise' - there's a girl's getaway weekend already planned - I heard something about wine, chocolate, food and kayaking - one of the girls has 3 kayaks!

Here's a picture of milo planted on my parents farm.


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