
Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Today is the two month anniversary of my BIG move to Morro Bay. Many thoughts came to mind and in thinking back I have accomplished many, many things - most very small but some very BIG.

I joined a newcomers club with off-shoots from the main group depending on your interests. Last week I had the wonderful pleasure of attending my first Gourmet Dinner group. Ten ladies gathered at a home where we enjoyed lovely food and interesting conversation until very late. The ladies are very diverse in education, jobs and families and our topics ranged from the overuse of antibiotics to wine to men. There was NEVER a dull moment. It's fun to be thinking about what I will serve when it's my turn, a theme, a special place - maybe a beach party! All of a sudden Beach Blanket Bingo came to mind - hmmmmm...there might be something to that!

I finished up a very rewarding writing job today. The people I worked with were very appreciative and very professional. This job has been 'hanging over my head' since before I moved and I'm happy to have it off my to do list. There was an added twist to this job - I connected with an elementary school classmate who works there. I was emailing her about our elementary school centennial and she said she'd mailed off a package to a Joan Fee that week - small, small world!

I am very excited about this weekend (mixed with a little dread) that my brother is coming over and we're going to work in my front yard - it's been neglected for years and years and at this point is an eyesore with dirt, weeds and a few of my flowers sprinkled along the outskirts. The people who lived here before drove their truck in the yard so there are ruts and holes. We will be adding soil, putting in a retaining wall and pavers to cover the yard area. It's also Harbor Festival this weekend which means tons of entertainment and we're even going on a tour of the power plant - it's the other thing besides Morro Rock that dominates the skyline.

Last weekend was my elementary school centennial. Our principal and his wife had been at the school for 47 years and she passed away earlier this year so his speech was very emotional. One of the stories he told was how he and his wife moved from Iowa to The Island School District and sat crying at their kitchen table when they first got here because they actually thought they were moving to an island. The Island gets its name because it's a strip of land (pretty big strip) between two rivers. Mrs. Wilson was my seventh grade teacher and both were a great inspiration to me and my family since I was in kindergarten - actually before that because my sister went to school there also (my younger brother graduated from there too, he now works there and his two sons attend school there).

My next door neighbors got into the spirit today - a new Halloween flag was flying by this afternoon with orange lights adorning their patio and I see purple light in their kitchen window. It's fabulous to have neighbors who get in the spirit.

I am so looking forward to Cruisin' to Cabo later this month. It's a five day cruise (plus we're leaving a day early to spend some time in San Diego (one of my favorite cities!) the day before we leave. We're only at Cabo for a day, so we're planning our leisure time on the ship - lots of reading, lots of doing nothing and more doing nothing. The dynamics of 14 people in one group will be interesting and in talking about our day in Cabo, it seems as though we all want to do something different - we'll see how that plays out.

The weather is absolutely fantastic - I have lived in Morro Bay before, but I don't remember it being such a joy during the fall.

The sun has set on another beautiful day and it's time to chill - tomorrow's a big day - I get to order fill dirt, retainer wall bricks and pavers! Yippeee!!! My sister reminded me to take before and after photos.

I will leave you with a quote from a friend - it's about singing, but it can be about anything that brings you happiness be it knitting, crafting - whatever..."Singing is medicine for the soul, good or bad singing will still bring happiness to the singer. "


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