
Saturday, January 31, 2009

When was the last time you did something for the first time???

I seem to be in this 'experimental' phase with the help of my new friend, Valerie. Tomorrow, we're heading to a local country club for a Superbowl party. She even talked me into wearing red and white and she'd wear black. Oh, my!!! Life certainly is interesting.

I had a surprise yesterday - I had gone for my walk, talked extra long to a friend on the phone and as I was sitting at my computer, something made me look out the window and I noticed my nephew from a nearby town and then I noticed one of my other nephews, Steven, was with him. Steven surprised everyone in the family by just showing up - that doesn't seem so odd except that he drove all the way from Virginia to California without telling anyone. It was delightful to sit outside, enjoy the view of the ocean and catch up with my nephews.

Last night was a delight - it was Gourmet Dinner Group Night at a friend's house - six of us got together to chat, have a most delicious dinner and just to relax. I am finding my new friends to be quite enlightening - the conversations run the gambit of politics, men, to well, lots of things...

I've decided to not plan so much because lately it seems like everything goes out the window...

Go Cardinals!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Spread the Love...
I think life has finally caught up with me this week. After coming back from the trade show, I was like a whirlwind of energy, but now, some down time is in order, but that will have to wait until, well, maybe tomorrow or Sunday.

Last night I had a most delightful evening with 18 ladies from my newcomers club. What a charming group of ladies and can you tell, we love to eat. I found out that one lady's husband worked for Disney and when they took their kids to Yellowstone to see Old Faithful, the kids thought it was a Disney 'thing' and didn't think it was real. I met so many people and heard their life stories, I think my poor brain is done.

I'm off to walk this morning on the beach - it is a most beautiful day here, then to call a friend to catch up, then to a COPE meeting at Cal Poly, then dinner out again. Yikes! Then breakfast with some family members and then hopefully that downtime.

Do as I say, not as I do...make it a fabulous weekend!!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

CHA Highlights!!!
There were all kinds of fun things hanging from this chandelier - at the bottom were old clock faces.

This stunning dress was in the Simplicity Creative Group's booth. Can you tell what it's made from??? The bottom is trash bags and the top is magazine images.

Remember two years ago (yes, two years) when I did the bra purses as a make-it and take-it? Well, here are several from a scrapbook booth. Looks like pink is in!

Here's my gal-pal PattieWack.

Be on the lookout for Duncan's new product Custom Dye Color Kit that comes with four dyes and a recipe book on how to make 150 custom colors from the kit - wow! I can't wait to get my hands on this kit!

This isn't a very good picture, but these are all crowns and they are very beautiful!
Happy Creativity!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I'm back from CHA and trying to catch up on mail, email, Facebook, yadda, yadda...I ran across this drawing Laura Kelly did of me at the show - she was amazing - she did it literally in 10 seconds.

More details about the show soon!!!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Road Trip!!!

I'm off to CHA after having dinner with Jack LaLane last night...OK, he was in the same restaurant as me.

I'll report back early next week on all the new crafty things from the Craft and Hobby Association Trade Show!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Celebrity Attendance at the CHA Winter Show
Once again it's time for the annual Crafty and Hobby Association Trade Show where buyers from all over the world come together to find exciting new products to purchase for their stores. I am fortunate enough to have attended most of these shows for many years and have seen a lot of changes. I can't wait to see what's new and exciting out there just waiting to hit the stores! And, I might just run into a celebrity or two. Check out who will be there.

Deborah Norville, avid knitter, author, Emmy award-winning television journalist and host of Inside Edition, will be the 2009 Keynote presenter. Additionally, Deborah will be appearing at the Premier Yarns booth to introduce her brand new yarn line—Serenity, from the Deborah Norville Collection. Stop by to meet Deborah in person and see each of these four yarns (and receive free samples). Deborah will be appearing in the Premier Yarns booth #1619 from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Sunday, January 25, 2009.

Paris Hilton, internationally recognized model, singer, author, and entrepreneur will be at the Show on Sunday, January 25, 2009 from 2:30 - 3:30 pm in the Wooky Entertainment booth #2500, to unveil Paris Hilton, the Creativity Collection™ a multi-faceted line of fashion crafting kits from some of the most popular craft segments including scrapbooking, jewelry making and fabric embellishment. Paris will be on hand for photos and signing autographs.

Jane Seymour is a multiple Emmy and Golden Globe winner and recipient of the Officer of the British Empire (OBE). She has proven her talents in virtually all media, the Broadway stage, motion pictures and television. Her love of art and color has also led her to great success as a painter in watercolors and oils, as a designer of her Home Collection and her Open Hearts line of jewelry, all based on her art. This success as an established fine artist includes being selected as one of the official painters of the 2005 Torino Winter Olympics, the 2008 Beijing Olympics and most recently the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics. Come by and meet Jane during her appearance on January 26, 2009 from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm at the Tara Materials/Fredrix Artist Canvas booth #3529.
Vanna White, the co-host of Wheel of Fortune and best-selling author, has made appearances on numerous television shows and received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. She is an avid crocheter who loves to give handmade gifts to those she loves and has been Lion Brand Yarn Company's spokesperson for 14 years and collaborated with Lion Brand on several books, including Heartfelt Gifts to Knit and Crochet and Color it Beautiful Afghans, both inspired by her yarn with Lion Brand—Vanna's Choice—a premium basic, easy-care yarn in colors all designed to mix and match. Vanna White will host the Lion Brand Yarn Fashion Shows held on Monday, January 26, 2009 at 12:00 pm, 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm in the Lion Brand Yarn booth #1801.

Friday, January 16, 2009

My dad's 82nd birthday this week.

That's the Madonna Inn Toffee Cake!!!!

Something to think about...

10 Questions to Ask Yourself When Creating Your Bucket List:

If you had a year left to live, what would you do?

If you won the lottery, where would you go?

What did you always want to do when you were a child?

If you were lying on your deathbed, what would you most regret not having done?

If you had an upcoming high school reunion, what would you like to be able to tell your former classmates that you've accomplished?

What do you need to have more of in your life?

Who do you admire? Why?

You're sitting with your grandchildren on your lap telling them about your exploits. What stories are you telling them?

You've died and are listening to your eulogy. What are your friends and loved ones saying about you?

If a genie granted you three wishes, what would you ask for?

It's been a whirlwind few days...

I've been sending out tons of book proposals and with email being the way most publishing houses want their proposals, it's a quick turn around. (Read that as a quick 'no thanks!')

I've been walking and walking - the weather has been absolutely gorgeous - in the 80's!!! Valerie and I have been good about getting out to walk on the beach for an hour. Last weekend, my sister, nephew and I did a 2 hour walk on the beach followed by a healthy dinner at Taco Temple. Valerie, invited me to a stretch class, so looks like I'll be adding that to my activities a couple of times a week.

We made a quick trip over to Fresno / Lemoore for my dad's 82nd birthday. I picked up a Madonna Inn Toffee Cake - it was over-the-top! I made a quick trip to Fresno to do some paperwork and then on to lunch with my friend Frances - we could talk all day and all night, if we had the time! She is soooo insightful and such a good friend - one that I can tell EVERYTHING and ANYTHING to and she has had similar situations so we can identify with each other so much. I love to see what she and Rudy have done since the last time I was there.

Yesterday was my first COPE (Center for Obesity Prevention and Education) meeting on the Cal Poly campus. My sister went to school there so I at least knew the basic layout of the campus - I walked passed where we stood in line for what seemed like hours during her registration (ahhh, to have had computers and on-line registration back then) and I passed the building where my nephew, Chris, graduated a few years ago. Everyone was warm and inviting at the meeting. I was the only person not associated with an agency like the Y, food bank or a fitness center. It's idea time, so this afternoon I'll shoot off an email to them with some creative ideas for a huge symposium in October.

Well, I'm off for a doctor's appointment and lunch with my sister and nephew at a new restaurant and maybe a movie this afternoon.

It's a busy weekend, my high school classmate, Lisa, will be in Pismo Beach and wants to 'pick my brain' about something, so it will be good to see her again. AND, this weekend I will finalize my plans to go to London...yippeee!!!

Make it a great one!

Friday, January 09, 2009

Make Your Own Curtains

Too Cute Curtains
Whatever you love - birdhouses, hearts, teapots, _____ (fill in the blank!) you can bring your passion into your home with curtains and rods to match!
What You'll Need
Fabric of your choice
Aleene's Fabric Fusion
1/2" - 3/4" diameter dowel (measure length for your window)
2 decorative pieces for the end of your rods, wood or paper mache
Drill with bits for wood or craft knife for paper mache
2 sawtooth picture hangers
How You Make It
1. Wash fabric to remove size. Iron to remove wrinkles.
2. Hem one long edge of fabric by folding over 1/2" to wrong side and gluing. Repeat on two short ends of fabric.
3. For casing, fold fabric over 1/2" to wrong side and glue down. Fold fabric down 2-1/2" and glue. Let dry.
4. Make hole in decorative pieces using drill or craft knife.
5. Attach hangers on back of decorative pieces.
6. Place curtain on dowel. Insert decorative pieces on dowel.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Are you on Facebook???

I have to admit I am spending WAY too much time on Facebook. When a friend asked me to sign up, I spent a few minutes on it, but didn't get it. Well, it has become a wonderful lifeline that I am so glad I pursued and it doesn't cost anything. I am on the committee for our high school reunion next year and I have been able to connect with people I haven't seen in over 30 years - it's a challenge for me to find more classmates and get reacquainted with them. You can instant message with people - I was chatting with four people at one time - it was exciting - one was in London, one in Fresno, one in Los Angeles and one in Tennessee. Crazy, I say, just crazy!

How to Make a Table from a Frame

Frame Table
Here's a great way to recycle an old frame and some inexpensive legs from a hardware store into a fabulous personalized table that fits your room perfectly!

What You'll Need
4 table legs
Poster or photo

How to Make It
1. Paint legs and frame. Let dry.
2. Place your poster or photo in frame.
3. Attach legs to corners of frame.

Monday, January 05, 2009


I just got back from seeing the movie Seven Pounds - not quite the movie I had expected...but, when I got home, I had a message on my answering machine. It was from the Director of the Center for Obesity Prevention and Education (COPE) at the local university, Cal Poly. She asked me to be on the community advisory committee!!! I am soooooo very excited!!! I met her at a luncheon a couple of months ago and now look where a simple email took me. We're chatting tomorrow about details...

Later...I knew I wanted to be a BIG part of this organization, but the more I did research, the more I saw the fit. Here are the Director's goals - First, to develop comprehensive exercise-nutrition-behavior programs to improve weight, body composition, and physical and metal health across the lifespan. Second, to conduct research to determine the program’s effectiveness. Third, to work within existing institutions, such as after-school programs, community or health centers, to amplify the program’s availability to diverse populations. Fourth, to establish Cal Poly as a nationally recognized education resource and center of obesity-related expertise.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

How to Make a Record Fountain Video

I'm excited!!! I posted my how to make a fountain from old records video on YouTube in May and I just went over 4,000 views!!! If you haven't seen it, take a view.

Also, check out Cheryl Ball (from our old Aleene's Creative Living days) and my Get Those Old Records Off the Shelf ebook for tons of ideas to use old records!