
Monday, April 30, 2012

Silverware Mobile

Repurposed Silverware by Dan Shattuck 

 I recently attended Three Speckled Hens antique show in Paso Robles, California and I was very taken by the fabulous way Dan Shattuck, a local artist, repurposed silverware into wonderful, unique creations. I usually have trouble spending money on things I really don't have-to-have but I just couldn't resist this stunner! 


Here's where the artist will be in 2012

May 12                  Day in the Shade - Templeton Community Park
May 26-28             Morro Bay Art in the Park
June 15-17             Live Oak Music Festival
June 23                  Ojai Valley Lavender Festival
June 30 - July 2    Morro Bay Art in the Park
July 1                     Art in the Park Shell Beach
July 4                     Cayucos 4th of July
September 1-3       Morro Bay Art in the Park
September 2          Art in the Park Shell Beach
September 15-16   Santa Clara Art & Wine Festival
October 13-14       Three Speckled Hens - Paso Fairgrounds
November 17         Atascadero Lake Park Pavilion
November 23-24   CC Craft Show - SLO Vets Hall
December 1-2        Holiday in the Plaza - San Luis Obispo
December 2           Art in the Vineyard @ Tolosa

Sunday, April 22, 2012

It's almost here!!!  MAYhem
That's what I called the month of May when I turned 50 and every weekend during that month I did something 'crazy'.  Well, this year I'm going to celebrate my friends and I'm getting the ball rolling with a handmade invitation to a weekend filled with fun activities. 

I started by gluing pieces of butterfly scrapbook paper on blank cards I got at Michaels then added some layered papers.  I wanted to get everyone excited about the event so I included a little butterfly charm that they'll bring to the weekend to craft with.
I scanned the image of the butterfly from the scrapbook paper and used it as a watermark on the inside.
I protected the charm with a light cardboard insert and I just couldn't leave it plain white so I added stickers and doodles - learned that from my friend, Pattie Donham Wilkinson years ago.
I added stickers to the outside of the envelopes too.  Can't wait for the RSVP's to come rolling in.

More details about the Slumber, Crafty, Celebration of our Lives Party soon - it's going to be so much fun!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The stickers before...
The stickers after...
3D Butterfly Wall Stickers

I read an article recently about a local celebrity, Lou Ferrigno (you might remember him as The Hulk).  A couple of things stuck in my brain about the article.  He suggested, "Get your head in the game" and that he was an Action Taker.  I don't know if it was reading that article, Spring or what, but it's been a get out of my way world kinda week.  My short term to do list that just seemed to be getting ever longer is now a lot shorter thanks to putting these couple of simple things to action.

One thing that has been 'hanging around' were these cool wall stickers my friend, Kathy, brought me just a week after I moved (they are from Ikea).  I FINALLY took them out of the package and being the 'outside of the box thinker' I put them on dimensionally.  I think they look great and add even more beautiful butterflies to my butterfly bathroom.  Thanks, Kathy, (even though it took me 19 months - ugh - I'm ashamed to admit it took that long!)

How about for just an hour you put Lou's thoughts in the fore-front of your mind - who knows what you'll accomplish!

Happy Getting It Done!