
Sunday, October 19, 2008

Ahhhh, life...

My weekend didn't turn out anything like I'd planned. I was sick in bed for a couple of days and had to cancel getting together with a former co-worker and my gourmet dinner group. But, I knew if I didn't get over whatever I had soon, I'd regret it.

I did have a very nice lunch with another former co-worker and her husband this afternoon. It was an excuse to clean up my house and make some decisions on decor that wasn't quite right - so up and down on the ladder I went. I'm still not 100% satisfied, but I'm feeling better about it. It was like Christmas when I opened up all the boxes from storage and found my treasures that had been stored away for 3-1/2 years. I tried to cram every little trinket somewhere in the house, managing only to make a hodge-podge look.

I dabbled in real estate after the Aleene's bankruptcy and I came to know a couple quite well. They wanted a ranch and I showed them ranches up and down the central coast for quite some time. It was a challenge because they lived 3 months in the States and 3 months in Japan. So, we'd go look at ranches when they were here and the other three months I'd look for them the perfect ranch. Anyway, we spent a lot of time together and they'd always send me their Christmas newsletter - most of the time from very exotic locations. They finally bought a ranch nearby and we've been trying to link up and haven't been able to. I finally talked to the wife tonight and she was excited to hear from me. They were in the middle of a party, so we're catching up tomorrow. I can't wait! They ALWAYS have interesting stories. I don't remember when the last time I saw them was - I know for sure it's been more than 5 years. Time flies...and so must I.

Make it a great week!

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