
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Yard Work, Tarantulas, Beautiful Weather, Family...

What a weekend! My brother and family came Friday night and stayed through Monday night. We got down and dirty in the front yard - moved tons of dirt, built a couple retaining walls and planted plants. In there they went surfing several times and we spent one afternoon with my oldest nephew for his 30th birthday. I am exhausted!!!

My up-the-hill neighbor brought down a tarantula and later in the weekend we were graced with one ourselves! It was a critter weekend - two tarantulas and one giganto potato bug - yucko!!!

It hasn't been a productive week for me, but now it's time to go into warp speed - I got an email from a former co-worker of mine yesterday and he'll be in town for a bachelor party weekend, so we're getting together on Friday - we just might have to sit and have some lemonade on my new patio overlooking Morro Rock and the beach. I just found out today that Saturday night is the newcomers gourmet dinner group get together and then Sunday, a friend is here and we're going to dinner. One thing about paradise, your friends come to visit!!! Love it!


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