
Thursday, December 04, 2008

I just gave myself a timeout...

and I wasn't even bad, just stressed for the first time since I moved here - four months, already!!! It was wonderful to sit out at my bistro set, look out at the ocean and have the sun on my face. I decided I could never get a chaise lounge because I'd never get any work done.

A high school classmate of mine has come up with a wonderful idea. Our friend, Betty, whose boyfriend (also a classmate of ours) passed away after a very brief bout with cancer last week has had many trials in her life, breast cancer herself and her husband passed away many years ago leaving her with young children to raise. I have talked with her a couple of times this week and she is an incredibly strong person. My friend, Diane, came up with a great idea - we're going to have a We Love You Betty party just before Christmas. We're going to get a bunch of us from high school and just have fun - I've suggested pink boas, pink cupcakes, pink champagne...we're still out on what we're doing. I also suggested a carriage ride in a nearby town - we did that for my mom a few years ago for Mother's Day and we all loved it. Diane is to contact Betty to let her know what's happening and my email to Diane was to not let her turn us down - it's a celebration of life not only for Betty but for all of us.

I am headed to Cambria, a lovely town about 1/2 hour away. The first Thursday of December they have what used to be called Hospitality Night - all the stores stay open, the streets are decorated, there are carolers and the shops give out goodies. We're heading up early for a hike, to dinner at an ocean side restaurant and then in to town for the festivities.

Celebrate life today because we don't know if we'll have a tomorrow.

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