
Monday, December 01, 2008

Weekend and Lots of Reflection

I had a most delightful weekend. I had dinner with Cheryl Ball and her sister and then we came back to my place to chat. They had been here right after I moved in, so they were able to see all my hard work. The next day was supposed to be a 'do whatever day' and I was heading down that way when my sister called asking if I had lunch plans - one of my nephews was in the area and he hadn't been to my new place. We went to the same restaurant Cheryl, Krissy and I went to - yummy fish tacos!!!

Last night was weird - I checked my email about 11:30 as I was heading to bed. I had an email from my friend in London, so I emailed her back. The phone rang - who could it be at 11:30? My friend from London, of course. We chatted almost an hour. Made for a groggy me this morning! They will be leaving London in the next year and a half, so looks like I'll be going to London next year. They live across from Buckingham room and board. Now, to find a cheap airfare.

Tonight was my first Chick Flick get together with my newcomer's group. We did a movie and then dinner. But, I had a surprise - we parked near the restaurant and walked through Beverly's and there was Heidi Borchers. Since I was with a group, I hugged her and said I'd give her a call. That's on my to do list for tomorrow.

As I walked in the door tonight my phone was ringing. It was a high school friend of mine telling me of the passing of her boyfriend, also a classmate. So sad. My friend has had so many trials in her life and now this. My heart goes out to her, her family and our friend's family. I had seen Terry in September and he was fine and shortly after that he started acting 'odd' and seven weeks later he is gone from our lives.

Hug your kids, your spouse, your parents, friends, anyone and everyone that you hold dear in your heart.


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