Candy, candy, everywhere there was candy!
I just had the most delightful weekend! I even got a little work done in there, but the highlight was DEFINITELY having my long time friend Pattiewack here!!! She and Scott were here to tape a ceramic video. Pattie wasn't in front of the camera this time, she was here to help out behind the scenes.
Pattie's working on a project and decided to craft faux cakes and cupcakes (I talked her into cupcakes after seeing so many in San Francisco recently) decorated with CANDY!

Here's how the weekend progressed...Pattie and Scott whirled into town (I really mean - whirled - Pattie comes with her awesome energy that radiates wherever she goes!) I knew they were coming for business and that being able to see them for even a short period of time would be terrific.
Things worked out for us to go to dinner and we had the most delightful food - tapas - I'd never been to the restaurant but heard it was excellent. Water was served in these huge bubble shaped glasses and I found out tapas are samplings of different types of food. We're all dessert lovers so flan and a chocolate espresso cake rounded off our experience. Unfortunately, it was an early evening and I thought my Pattie fix was done for the weekend.
I worked most of the day Saturday (we're getting ready for the big trade show in Chicago this month!), but Pattie kept coming by and saying 'hi!' They had plans for dinner, so I wasn't sure if I'd see them again before they left.
I called Pattie on Sunday morning to see how their taping was going. And told her about this grocery store nearby that had bins and bins of candy, etc. that would be great for her project. She decided to escape with me and we giggled and giggled and giggled some more looking at all the candy at the store - a guy even came up to us and said "you two are like a couple kids in a candy store!" Wherever Pattie and I go it's an adventure. We decided to catch lunch and sat outside and chatted for quite a while - it's never long enough in my book. We talked about our pasts and our futures - there was even a pinkie swear in there too.
Now, back to cleaning my place - another Aleene's friend is coming next weekend and I have to get ready! If you were an Aleene's fan you wouldn't know Sharon's name or her face - she was a terrific behind the scenes person - when I became the editor of the magazine, Sharon became the instructions and features editor. I am working with her again and it's great fun to catch up. Next weekend, more fun stories!
Make it a fantastic week!