I feel like I haven't written in ages! There was a little technical difficulty with my blog so I couldn't post, but here I am again and I have lots to catch up on!
Christmas was wonderfully quiet and peaceful this year. It was nice to have Saturday and Sunday to get caught up on a few things before the festivities. My mom cooked and cooked - great Tortilla Soup and Enchiladas, Mom! The meals were almost effortless since Mom precooked, but we ALWAYS question how we can make it easier - it seems that we're always in the kitchen cleaning - oh, I get it! Enjoy it, even the cleaning part!
I have a few Christmas things to show you before I move on to what's happening now in anticipation of the New Year.
Here was my present from Miss PattieWack - people said it was too pretty to open! But, open it I did - Pattie, you know just what I need! She wrapped the gift in tissue then put a doily placemat around it holding it in place with ribbon and accented it lovingly with a candy cane! You rock girl!
My five-year-old nephew loves to get mail and when I was at Michaels last week, I saw this adorable mailbox 50% off. I stuffed it with Aleene's glues, Tulip paint, a palette, a brush and some wood pieces to paint. I was going to write his name on it and then got this idea to let him do it himself. I can't wait to see how he decorates it!
I ventured out to Michaels again today with my coupon for 50% off one full price item - I was going for a Styrofoam sheet, but came out with this beautiful wall art - for $25. I did get my Styrofoam, but not 50% off!

What's all the stuff on my dining table you ask? It' most (NOT ALL!) of my jewelry - I have one of those hanging jobbers with the little plastic pockets to put jewelry in - it just doesn't work for me. So, what I'm going to try is to cover the Styrofoam circle with fabric and be able to poke my earrings in it to keep them all organized. I'm thinking hooks for my necklaces. Wish me luck!
I was sick again this week (yes, a New Year's Resolution is to take my vitamins faithfully!) and laid around and read Suze Orman's book Women & Money - it's very insightful - balance, happiness, generosity, harmony - all things to consider when thinking about your money. I consider myself somewhat knowledgeable on money matters, but she really brought a lot of stuff home. She is the keynote speaker at the big craft trade show in February and I'm hoping I can figure out how to attend.
Another project for the new year is what I'll call a Wish Board for lack of better words. I'm sure you're like me and see things in magazines that catch your eye. I began to pull them out and now I'm applying them to this presentation board. I put it on a wall in my bedroom to see it every morning. I keep Aleene's Stick Glue beside it to add my images at a whim.
That's about it for now, I'm going to go turn on the TV, veg out and get myself organized for the new year - more on that tomorrow.
Take care,