Here they are - the bra purses! They are so much fun to make!!!
1. Cut bra apart at center. Cut strap on back sections. Cut sides around cups.
2. Cover work surface with plastic. Spray both sides of cups with Cool Color Spray. Let dry.
3. Apply glue to both wire sections of bra. Press trim into glue on one side. Press wire sections together. Hold with clothespins until dry.
4. Glue desired embellishments in place on bra.
5. Overlap straps and glue. Hold in place until dry with clothespins. Glue trim to strap.
Golden Celebrations
What a lovely way to spend an afternoon...Frances' parents celebrated their 50th anniversary last weekend and it was fun to hear the mariachi band and to watch a photo presentation and see what Frances and her family looked like over the years.
After the party, Gloria (my co-worker/cubemate) and I went out on the town and then wound up at my place until 12:30 a.m. Long day, but ohhhhh, so fun!
What does a man want for his 80th birthday? Well, I would never have guessed that my 'reserved' father would want a Marilyn impersonator to come sing to him. Several months ago he saw her featured in a newspaper article and told my mom that's what he wanted for his 80th birthday party.
It was an absolute hoot for everyone there! We had little tykes (my youngest nephew is going to be 5 next month) and we had friend's of my dad's. There were lots of smiles and laughs during Marilyn's half hour performance.
I got to see cousins and aunts I hadn't seen in a while and friends of my parents I hadn't seen in more than 25 years. I ate more than my share of cake, so it's back to carrots for me this week.
We are buzzing around work getting ready for the big trade show at the end of the month. The bras for my bra purse make it and take it should be in tomorrow, so I'll be crafting away on those these week.
I chatted over the weekend with my old cubicle mate a couple of times. It's so fun to catch up, to have someone listen to the details of your life and just to kick back. She's been a very influential person in my life - I'm just very sad that she lives so far away.
I can't wait to find some time to craft really soon!