My Holiday Week
My nephews (and my brother David) got a slot car race track for Christmas - my mom and I take a try at keeping the cars on the track.

My nephew, Chris, brought the game Catch Phrase - we literally played for hours and hours and hours. It made waiting for the turkey to finish cooking, our car trip to Disneyland and waiting in line at Disneyland more enjoyable.
That's my sister-in-law, Nicki. We must have been laughing at something my mom said - she was the shocker of the evening.

As I was driving out of town last Tuesday I shipped off a huge box for the book I'm working on. The final box went out just yesterday. Now, to write instructions.

David made a brine for the turkey, let it soak in overnight and bbq'd it on Christmas morning.

The yummy Pink Champagne Cake from Madonna Inn in San Luis Obispo. I'm going to stop by there on my way to the Pismo Dunes - I'm in charge of providing dessert for a bonfire on the beach tomorrow night to usher in the new year - I hope there are still some cakes left - I think I'll do a chocolate one this time. I already have my eye on a Toffee Cake there for my dad's birthday next month.
My family went down to Anaheim last Friday for a pre-wedding reception at the Disneyland Hotel. My cousin's are getting married in Hawaii and knew we all couldn't make it over there. We spent the morning at Disneyland having gotten there when the park opened (brrrrr...) and within 35 minutes we'd ridden the Matterhorn twice and Space Mountain. As we got off the Matterhorn the second time, we were greeted by Disney Cast Members saying we'd won Mickey Mouse ear hats - we all wore our hats proudly for the day. We spent a couple of hours at the reception and then back to Disneyland with a quick dinner and then back until about 11 p.m. Made for a long day, but it was tremendous fun. It was fun to see it through a child's eyes - mine.
Make it a great day!