Celebrations were plentiful this weekend and that meant a trip 'home' to Lemoore. My parents have a 40 acre farm there and it's always a treat for me to take my camera and roam the area. My mom has sent out a search party for me in the past to make sure I was OK since I was gone for so long.
It was my mom's birthday on Friday and my nephew turned the big 13 on Monday!!! With my sister and sister-in-law now working, it's mighty hard to coordinate anything family these days. I organized dinner for my mom using old family favorite recipes. I thought I'd be in the kitchen to coordinate, but my bro, nephew and I got involved in taking out roses in my parent's front yard. It's something my mom has wanted done for many years and it just never got done. When it came right down to it, we only took out half of the roses, then planted some flowers and added bark. Meanwhile, dinner preparations were going on in the kitchen and I had to make a couple of phone calls to ask someone to start a couple of the dishes while my brother and I were out buying bark in a nearby town to finish-up the yard project. Chaotic, but we got the project done and we had a nice dinner.
My sister and I got in a nice long walk and on the way back decided to hesitantly swing on the rope swing down at the canal. It was fabulous!!! They could hear us screaming down the street!!! Now, we can't wait to try it when there's water in the canal.
I'm off to see the movie Taken tonight. Not as light-hearted as New in Town last week - that was so cute! If you're a scrapper, you have to see it!
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