So, here's where it happens...this is my cubicle (or cube as we call it at work). I have become the party girl or at least the party decorator at work.
Jesus, one of my co-workers, had a birthday last week - he's a die-hard Raiders fan, so I copied the Raider's logo and hung them from the ceiling of his cube with ribbon.
Well, that made my cube area look mighty bare, so I glued some silk fall leaves to orange ribbon and stuck them into the ceiling tiles. See the fan in the background? We've had unseasonably warm weather, so I've been turning on the fan and then have dancing leaves - quite awesome!
It's fun to find little ways to bring the seasons into your workplace and home.
Hi Joan,
How fun that you work in a creative environment and get to see new craft projects every day. Keep up the good work and keep us up with what's happening with you.
Hi Sylvia,
Yes, it's terrific fun getting to see new projects every day and to be "in on" new products as they're developed.
I just heard on Friday that I'm going to host some technique videos we're doing on-line. I'll let you know when it's launched.
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