OK, I'm finally caught up for the moment with laundry, work and all that good stuff to do after a vacation and I want to tell you about my FANTASTIC vacation.
I left home on Sunday morning, driving up Highway 1 - one of the most magnificent drives on earth! The highway (not really a highway, it's one lane each way) is on the cliffs with huge dropoffs to the ocean. Needless to say, you want to leave plenty of time to arrive at your destination on this road. I followed some old restored Woody cars for miles, not caring that they were only going 20 miles an hour on the curvy road.
I arrived at my destination, Esalen, about 25 miles from Monterey. There are not enough words to describe this 160+ acres of paradise on the cliffs overlooking the ocean. The grounds are sprinkled with flowers in every color of the rainbow and the grass is a green that can't be described. The peace that immediately enveloped me was incredible. We were treated to the freshest fruits and vegetables at every meal, mostly grown on the premises. I love monarch butterflies (something that shows up in a lot of my past projects) and I happened to be there when monarch butterflies were EVERYWHERE drifting with the wind.

The workshop I attended was called Awakening the Creative (from the Esalen catalog) is a journey into the wild territory of painting directly from intuition, an unpredictable venture into color, form and image where no rules apply. The potential is to tap into an extraordinary resource: the vibrant, driving force of your own creative spirit - Awakening the Creative is an opportunity to embark on the greatest of all human journeys: embracing your own path and confidently following it.
The workshop was so incredible. Stewart and Sarah guided me through my darkness to clear my way for my new future - what that is I'm still working on. Their guidance took what I had painted and with their gentle nudge or suggestion lead me to discover even more about the things deep within me. Who knew a little paint could lead to a life changing experience.
I was sad to leave Esalen and the people who nurtured me during that week. I know in my heart that I will take one (or more) of Stewart's

If you look real close you can see red paint on my shoes as I relax overlooking the ocean at Esalen.
Until next time! Enjoy!
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