There were all kinds of fun things hanging from this chandelier - at the bottom were old clock faces.

This stunning dress was in the Simplicity Creative Group's booth. Can you tell what it's made from??? The bottom is trash bags and the top is magazine images.
Remember two years ago (yes, two years) when I did the bra purses as a make-it and take-it? Well, here are several from a scrapbook booth. Looks like pink is in!

Here's my gal-pal PattieWack.
Be on the lookout for Duncan's new product Custom Dye Color Kit that comes with four dyes and a recipe book on how to make 150 custom colors from the kit - wow! I can't wait to get my hands on this kit!

This isn't a very good picture, but these are all crowns and they are very beautiful!
Happy Creativity!
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