A day of pleasant surprises...
Last Friday the mail came and when I opened up the box there they were - two letters from two separate lawyers. Ugh! I didn't want them to spoil my fun weekend I had planned, so I shoved them away to be looked at after the weekend.
Today, I went to my mailbox and there were two handwritten letters - what are the chances of that??? And, they were both from friends in Lompoc. Again, what are the chances? And, both of these people had been very much on my mind the last few days.
One was a postcard created by a quilting friend - she has always been the ultimate recycler - she wrote to do lists and grocery lists on back of envelopes and now, her postcard is recycled paper that she's sewn strips of fabric on for a very interesting presentation.

The other letter was a from friend who always has the right words to comfort, the perfect words to encourage - words that come from her heart - an amazing woman!!! I must quote her closing words "May you enjoy all the wonder of life's gifts at your doorstep and know how grateful and 

deeply you have affected those lives you have been a part of and touched. Like mine."
The day is still giving and it's only 2:30 in the afternoon - I received an email from my old cubiclemate in Fresno and she had sent me the incredible butterfly collage at the top of the page - very inspiring.
I keep a file called 'ME' in my file cabinet and it holds cards, notes and emails from people who have touched my life - when I need a lift, I pull out my file and find comfort in the comfort of others.
A friend just called saying she has a 103 fever and can't get into the doctor today and said she might be calling me tonight to drive her to emergency - that is what friends are for...
Take a moment and acknowledge the special people in your life with a few chosen words from your heart.
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