Cheryl Ball and I got his fabulous idea a while back about using our 'retro' fabrics and craft products we'd collected over the years. We combined them with things from our youth and transformed them into something functional and different – creating a whole new look for old. That's when Still Crafty After 50 came to be.

Well, we got this gig to appear on our local tv station and I came up with the idea to make a fountain from melted records. It was a hit! We have since recorded a how-to video entitled How to Create a Record Fountain and it has over 7,000 hits on YouTube. Check out the video at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqS_kM2gBlc
So, we thought, why not make other things from records. And our new ebook was born - Get Those Old Records Off the Shelf. This ebook lets you get those old records off the shelf...out of grandma's attic, out of storage, wherever they are and take a spin on creativity!
Records only take a couple of minutes to melt in an oven and can be shaped easily into fantastic projects.
Check it out at http://www.lulu.com/content/e-book/get-those-old-records-off-the-shelf/6694989. Since it's an ebook, it's inexpensive and you can print it off right then and there - no waiting!

Get ready to Rock 'n Roll Craft!!!
Hi Joan,
I have spent most of my day on 3 different digital devices attempting to download your book. I have told lulu.com I want my money back because I can't waste anymore time on trying to make this work. Is there any other way to purchase the ebook or a pdf or anything? I'd like to support you and read your book but not with lulu.com and not using adobe digital editions.
Please send me an email at craftproducts@yahoo.com and we'll make it work.
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