I kept meaning to upload a few more pictures of my London experience...I hand carried these potato chips back for family and friends - I loved going to the grocery stores and seeing the 'odd' food. Check out the flavors of chips...my friends and family did not give them a thumbs up!!!
The lovely little box was a hand painted gift from a luncheon at the Ukrainian Embassy along with brochures about their country. I passed the brochures along to a friend who home-schools her children. Thought it was something a little different for them to learn about.
I bought these clear acrylic butterflies in London - just couldn't pass them up!
A friend and her husband stayed at my home for a week while I was gone and when I arrived home, there were butterfly gifts everywhere.
These beautiful feather butterflies hang in my bathroom.
AND, this butterfly I take with me everywhere to show friends and family (I'm thinking about taking it to the Journey / Heart concert next month) it's the cutest thing - it sings and has three different settings - it lights up, blinks...so fun!!!
I think that's it for my London trip!!!
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